Wholesale Account Application

Wholesale Account Application

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Greens World wholesale customer.  Please complete the application form below.  A W-9 Form will be sent upon request.

Saved Form Access Code: OPEN »
* : required
Organization of Business:*
Legal Name of Business:*Trade Name or DBA:
State of Incorporation:*Date of Incorporation:*
Federal EIN# or SSN#:*Resale #:
Briefly describe your business:
Owner Name:*Owner Phone:*
Owner Email:*
Buyer Name:*Buyer Phone:*
Buyer Email:*
Ship To Address:*Ship To City:*
Ship To State:*Ship To Zip:*
Is your billing address the same as shipping?*
Billing Address:*Billing City:*
Billing State:*Billing Zip:*
Accounts Payable Contact:*Accounts Payable Email:*
Accounts Payable Phone:*Accounts Payable Fax:
Trade Reference Name:Trade Reference Phone:
Please upload your completed tax exemption certificates if applicable and/or your professional license:

Please complete the visual confirmation*

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